Entrepreneurial training for migrants
Qredits completed its pilot of the BeYourOwnBoss training program for migrants. Read more about the program and the results.
On December 11 Her Royal Highness Queen Máxima of the Netherlands paid a work visit to the Qredits non-profit foundation in Almelo.
Her Royal Highness paid this visit in her capacity as a member of Dutch Committee for Entrepreneurship and Finance and as a special advocate of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for inclusive finance for development.
Qredits focuses on funding for entrepreneurs. Apart from providing loans Qredits offers mentoring by expert volunteers to help new entrepreneurs get their business off to a good start. Partially due to this combination 82% of Qredits customers are still actively in business after three years.
During her visit Queen Máxima spoke with Qredits employees about the mentoring programs, the development of provisions and risk management in relation to new entrepreneurs. Her Royal Highness was joined by the new president of the Dutch Committee for Entrepreneurship and Finance, Mr. H.C. Goddijn, and prior president Mr. D. Laman Trip.