Her Royal Highness Queen Máxima visits Qredits
In her role as member of the Dutch Committee for Entrepreneurship and Finance HRH Queen Máxima paid a visit to Qredits.
Today on the island of Bonaire Governor Rijna Edison will be opening the first Qredits office in the Caribbean. An important milestone for local entrepreneurs. Qredits will introduce microcredit loans, mentoring as well as the school curriculum called Be Your Own Boss. By offering these services Qredits wants to further encourage entrepreneurship on this Dutch Caribbean island in cooperation with the Bonaire Chamber of Commerce.
The joint mission of the Chamber of Commerce and Qredits is to motivate the people of Bonaire towards entrepreneurship. Qredits products and services are designed to support
entrepreneurs in starting or expanding their business.
With the limited funding currently available to entrepreneurs Qredits will meet a real need by offering business loans up to $ 25,000. Additionally an entrepreneur can take advantage of various online tools and/or a mentor to assist him/her at the start of the business. Qredits works together with foundation PUM Netherlands senior experts. This is an international network of senior experts with years of experience in SMEs around the world.
In addition to the support of new and existing entrepreneurs, Qredits will also focus on local youth by introducing the curriculum Be Your Own Boss into the local high school (HAVO / VWO and MBO) and vocational school (Forma) and get them acquainted at an earlier age with entrepreneurship. Through the program students will be exposed to the real business world: the student will discuss a business case with a Qredits loan officer and then start on writing his own business plan and eventually pitching it in front of a jury.
In the Netherlands Qredits has been active for six years on the financial market and has supported more than 6,000 entrepreneurs with a business loan.