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Qredits has an ANBI classification (National recognition for contributing to the common good), which offers certain fiscal benefits. 

Statutory Name: Stichting Qredits Microfinanciering Nederland  
RSIN/Tax Number: 820054793 
ANBI Status: Yes

Contact Information

Phone Number: +31 (0)546 534010
Email Address: 
Mailing Address: PO Box 302, 7600 AH Almelo 
Visiting Address: Egbert Gorterstraat 6, 7607 GB Almelo

Statutory Objective The foundation aims to:

  • Developing retail activities aimed at providing and managing business loans to entrepreneurs, up to a maximum of two hundred fifty thousand euros (€250,000), under market-conforming conditions;
  • Developing and offering screening facilities to assess business plans for economic feasibility and creditworthiness;
  • Maintaining contacts with governments to optimize the offering of guidance and coaching products and the provision of business loans to entrepreneurs receiving benefits;
  • Developing commercial activities to reach the target audience and acquire brand recognition;
  • Developing software and other technological applications for microfinance, as well as their issuance, whether in license or for a fee, to institutions active in the field of microfinance;
  • Developing various guidance and coaching products for (starting) entrepreneurs;
  • Developing a network of (voluntary) coaches for (starting) entrepreneurs;
  • Developing policies and activities to generally stimulate microfinance, better reach the target group, and develop services for the target group; wherein the target group consists of entrepreneurs or individuals with latent entrepreneurship, who are insufficiently served by the market with (financial) services supporting entrepreneurship.
  • Establishing, participating in, managing, and supervising institutions, enterprises, companies with a similar objective. Both nationally and internationally, where the target group consists of entrepreneurs or individuals with latent entrepreneurship, who are insufficiently served by the market with (financial) services supporting entrepreneurship.

Vision Policy Plan 

In the Netherlands, there is a large group of (starting) entrepreneurs from the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), who, for various reasons, do not have sufficient access to (financial) services through the regular circuit at the start or continuation of their business. Facilitating this group of entrepreneurs:

  • Contributes to their economic, financial, and social independence; 
  • Allows them to progress to (financial) services in the regular circuit. 

This promotes entrepreneurship in the Netherlands and thus has a positive impact on society in a social and economic respect.

Mission Policy Plan 

Qredits Microfinance Netherlands offers coaching and microcredit to (starting) entrepreneurs in the SME sector, who do not have access to various (financial) services through the regular circuit, so they can achieve economic, financial, and social independence. In doing so, Qredits aims to promote entrepreneurship.

Qredits does this by offering microfinance in the Netherlands, a combination of guidance tools, coaching, and credit solutions for (starting) entrepreneurs. Qredits aims thereby:

  • To encourage starting one's own business; 
  • To allow (starting) entrepreneurs to make a well-considered choice for entrepreneurship; 
  • To offer (starting) entrepreneurs more startup and survival chances; 
  • To give (starting) entrepreneurs the opportunity to become financially/economically independent; 
  • To form a bridge for these (starting) entrepreneurs to progress to the regular financial sector. 

Goal Policy Plan 

The goal of Qredits is to offer Microfinance in a viable business model. From the standpoint of a viable business model, services can also be offered that primarily aim to support or enhance the viability of Qredits.


Download the "Report of Activities and Financial Accountability" for 2022 as a PDF;

Standard Form for Publication 

Obligation Here you can download the standard form for publication obligation.

Board of Directors 

  • Mr. W.E. Groenevelt (chair) 
  • Mr. R.G.A. Spit (member)

Supervisory Board 

The Supervisory Board consists of:

  • Mrs. Drs. Marilou van Golstein Brouwers (chair) 
  • Mr. Drs. Hans Biesheuvel (vice-chair) 
  • Mr. Pim van Ballekom (member) 
  • Mr. Eric Bouwmeester (member) 
  • Mr. Drs. Ronald Touwslager RC EMFC MAC (member) 
  • Mrs. Esther Raats - Coster (member) 

Remuneration Policy Supervisory Board 

The members of the Supervisory Board receive an expense allowance for their activities. This aligns with the remuneration policy for supervisors within the framework of the Wet Normering Topinkomens (WNT). These norms are 15% of the administrative norm for the chair of the Supervisory Board and 10% of the administrative norm for members of the Supervisory Board. A reduction of 50% is applied given the societal character of Qredits. Over the coming years, this will be phased in. For 2024, this specifically means that the chair receives a compensation of €13,380 per year and the members of the Supervisory Board a compensation of €8,920 (per person) per year.

Remuneration Policy Directors 

The remuneration of the directors of Qredits is within the framework of the Wet Normering Topinkomens (WNT). Considering the social function of Qredits, a moderation of 10% on the maximum remuneration within the WNT is applied. This percentage is recalibrated every four years based on market developments. The maximum total remuneration of the board chairman (CEO) aligns with the WNT with a moderation of 10%, for a 40-hour workweek. The maximum total remuneration for the other board members is at most 85% of the maximum total remuneration of the CEO. 

Remuneration Policy Employees 

The board establishes the remuneration policy for employees in accordance with Qredits' standard employment conditions regulation. Employees receive a salary based on their position. Positions are described in job descriptions, and salaries are linked to a salary table.

There are exclusively fixed salary elements; no flexible or bonus arrangements.